The next event will be the RebelRun car show at the Allen County Fairgrounds This next Friday and Saturday . We are looking forward to the event as we will be the on track entertainment for both days. On Friday we have the track from 5 pm till 7 pm and on Sunday from 1 pm till 3 pm. It will be our show and we can set up the races how ever it works best for us. This is going to depend on the number and types of cars that will be there. We are looking to run Midgets together, Stock type cars, Modifieds, and Open Wheel cars in separate heats and other races that we set up. This once again will depend on the cars that show up and are planning on running. You can still bring your cars for display only if you care to and we would love to see you there. I am going to try for noon in order to get everything set up. Get there early if you can.We will all be parking together close to the track.
This event was scheduled due to the request from the promoter of the car show "The RebelRun" and his generous offer to give VARC $100 for the first 15 cars to show up. We appreciate this donation to our effort of presenting our " Traveling Museum of Vintage Racing Cars" to the public. We need to put on a good show for their enjoyment and education. The history of oval track racing from the past must be preserved for future generations.
I am asking members to take the time and effort to support this show. We have the opportunity to show our cars to a slightly different crowd of car enthusiast's. Some may not be aware of the effort we put into actually running vintage /antique racing cars in our exhibition style racing program. So far I have about a dozen members that have indicated they are planning on making this show. We can always use more cars. Remember there is only one show after this one at Laweranceburg Indiana On the 29th . After that it is a long winter ahead and it will seem like forever before you can get out on a track again.
We were disappointed when the weather washed out our program at Fremont . There will not be a make up event for the Johnny Auxter day so lets support what is left on the schedule.
I need a little help from members that might not have a car ready for the show. If you can make it let me know. I need people to push cars around with four wheeler's . I need a couple flag men at the corners and some one who is willing to be the announcer. I have a couple people that are going to do some of these jobs but we can always use more help. If anyone has a push vehicle with the capability to start sprint cars and midgets we can always use your help. Contact me if you can provide a push truck. It will be greatly appreciated.
I hope you can support this effort as this is our time to put on a spectacular show. It is all about what is good for the future of this group. The one thing you can take away from this show is fun. We have a great deal of fun when ever we get our members together. That is the hallmark of VARC .We enjoy getting together and sharing our passion about our vintage cars and the history of the oval track racing in this county. Even on the hottest days or a day with threatening weather we always have a special relationship with other vintage racers. It is just a good time with true friends so come on out.
The track is a typical fairgrounds track. Much like the tracks that racers ran on in the past. It has a long straightaway with short flat turns. It is at least 1/2 or close to 5/8 mile so check your gearing. The surface is a loose pea gravel dirt mixture much like what we ran on at Expo. The promoter has assured me that it will be watered and ready for our running.It is wide and offers lots of room to run on. We will have a good time if we get enough cars so once again come on out The fairgrounds is located 6440 Harding Hwy Lima Ohio Their Phone is 4192258545. We are welcome to come early as the gates open at 8 am and over night camping is available for our members.This is a large cars show with much to see and do so make a day of it Clean restrooms and showers and vendors of all types. If you have not already notified me that you are coming please let me know you and your assistant name. I can get it to the promoter so you will be on the list at the gate when you get there
The long range weather forecast is not what we would like but this weeks weather is going to be full of changes. As with all long range forecast they change often so don't be fooled by them. We have been watching the weather all year long and have got out more often than not. This is nothing new for racers.seems like we are always watching the sky's.
Thanks for listening Jim McDermott. See you at the track....