The first event of the year for VARC was indeed a good one. It was the Veterans Appreciation Night and our partners with MVA were on hand to help honor the vets. We had a good car count and had a nice display and when our turn to hit the track came we were ready. It was good to see John Lawhorn make the show . He is a real dedicated member of the group and nothing keeps him out of the show. The pictures that Mickey Thompson added to our facebook page are very much appreciated. Great shots of the cars. Someone else added some pictures and again it is great that they make this effort.. If you have not checked out the facebook page take the time to look it over.
I would like to thank the track management for their efforts in getting us on the track for a heat race and a feature. From my seat it looked like a good show and when I went through the stands and asked the fans about the vintage cars they really seemed to enjoy our seeing our cars.
We seemed to be scattered around the pits but the regular racers where very good in helping us find places to park the tow vehicles. The regular drivers seem friendly and many were interested in our cars .They were asking about the types and age of the vintage cars. This track had a good turn out of cars and classes yet the program ran smoothly with a great deal of on track action. This is a great track for dirt track racing and one that you should put on your list of things to do.
Since it was Veterans Night at intermission the track with the help of MVA put on a very nice program for all the veterans. All veterans were invited to come up to the front of the grandstands and be honored for their service to this country. Each was given a certificate of appreciation and they were interviewed and asked about their time and branch of service. The Veterans covered every branch and many different years. They even wanted to know who was the oldest veteran and our member Terry Wells topped the list at 78 years young. I think the veterans truly appreciated the honors from the fans. Our partners Motorsport Veterans Association MVA is planning more veterans nights at other tracks this season so if you are a veteran come on out we would love to have you there.
Now onto the next show Scheduled at Angola Motorsports Park on May 25 and 26 With the Michiania Vintage Racers. This is always a great event for our groups. We get a lot of track time and get to see top notch racing as well.I have been looking at the long range weather forecast and it could be better. It is early yet and you know how many times we have had less than perfect weather forecast and yet have got in our show . Dont give up just because of a few rain drops. We will keep you posted. make plans to attend and be ready. It is always easier to be ready and cancel than not to be ready and have to scramble to get there.
The Raceciever requirement seemed to go well. It was nice to be able to hear the track giving instruction to our cars on the track. I think it is an asset to our program as well as a real safety measure. I will will be ordering more units and if you need one let me know so I can set one aside for you.
Well I better get busy and get my cars ready and hope for some sunshine for this week end. Stay tuned Looking forward to seeing you there. The gates open at 1 pm on Saturday with cars on track at 2 pm and don't forget that we have a cook out Saturday evening you might want to bring a dish to pass. Thanks Jim McDermott