Just got home from the three-day Winchester Speedway Old Timers Reunion. Once again it was a good turn out of vintage cars a of all types. There were over 50 cars there and the quality and variety was really worth the time it took to haul there. I want to thank Mickey Thompson for all the work that he and his volunteers put into this annual event. The weather was warm but they were right there with instruction for the drivers and kept us informed of the timing of events. This is a well-organized program and if you have never been to one of these events you are really missing out. The track management also deservers a big thank you as the work our running time into the day’s events. Everyone there got as much on track running as they wanted. There were several sessions over the three days, so drivers had plenty of time on the track. We had over 20 VARC members that made the show and it was fun between session talking with everyone. We have such a variety of experience among our members and the fellowship is great. Some good-natured joking always gets tossed around, but everyone has a good laugh at it. It was good to see member Mike Mason show up on Friday. Mike has been having some health issues, but he felt he had to at least come out, so he could talk with all his friends in VARC. He also had a good time pushing the cars into position with a four-wheeler. I could see in his eyes that he was ready to jump into a car and blast around the track. Mike has a history on the track and offered some wisdom on what to watch out for on tricky high banks. We had several other veterans of the high banks there. Hank Lower, Johnny Lawhorn, Butch Evans, Olyss Lykins, Sham Kiser, Tom Burkey, were just a few of the people that stopped by with some info on the cars and the track. It is always the fun part of our show when you listen to them relive stories of the past. This is our mission “keep the history of oval track racing alive”. Also like to thank Ron Verash for his efforts in taking photos and the interviews he does captures the history from many of the people that ran in the” good old days “.
Now on to our next event at the Trumbul County Fairgrounds. The old Expo speedway in Cortland Ohio. Our program is on Sunday Aug 12, 2018. The racing will start at 1 pm and we will share the track with the vintage stock cars and the Pennsylvania Vintage Dirt Modifieds. I need to know how many members are planning on making this show so get back to me as soon as you can. I do not have too many members that have indicated that they will be coming. This is a great Three-day car show with all sorts of entertainment, food and activities. We will be racing only on Sunday but if you want to get some test and tune time on your cars the track will be open on Friday and Saturday for vintage racers cars. The promoters Ed and Nicole Stanton are hoping for a big turn out of vintage racing cars so try to get here for this one. We want to put on a good show and that takes car count. Once again let me know if you can make it. This is a big 5/8-mile flat, paper clip type of track with wide a track surface. It is a fun type of track to run on, so this should be on your list of things to do. Once again we always need help around the pits so grab the neighbor kid that can run a four wheeler and bring them along. Once again, we are only racing on Sunday. I have attached a copy of the brochure for this event, Rockabilly Ruckus 2018. The long-range weather forecast is not too bad, but we hope for improvement by the week end. We will keep you posted.
Thanks for all the support and hope to see you at the track. Jim McDermott
Attached is a flyer from the Rockabilly Ruckus
Friday AUG 10, 2018
**Noon -5:00 Open Track**
3:30 Band -Damian Knapp Band
Noon – 5:00 Shine Run & Dash for Cash Registration (Pre register online)
4:30 Shine Run/Dash for Cash Lineup & Driver Meeting
**5:00 Shine Run & Dash for Cash **
5:00 Band- Muleface Brothers
6:30 Band -Band -Hi-Jivers
Saturday AUG 11, 2018:
10am – 5:00 Open Track
10:00 Kids Valve Cover Races begins
11:00 Band -Surfer Rex
Noon Pinup & Jr Greaser Lineup and Etiquette Schooling
12:30 Pinup & Jr Greaser Contest (Bicentennial Stage)
2:00 Band -Hi-Views
3:00 It’s About The Warrior Charity Auction
3:30 Band The Number 9 Blacktops
4:00 Car Show Awards
**4:30 Burnout Driver Meeting**
6:30 Band -Hillbilly Hellcats
*Steve Trent will be playing throughout the day inside the Barber Shop
Sunday AUG 12, 2018:
10:00 Kids Valve Cover Races begins
11:00 Kids & Adult Wheel Barrel Soap Box Derby
10:00 am Tech Inspection & Registration
11:00 Band Rocket 88’s
Noon Fashion Show Model Lineup
12:15 Vintage Fashion Show (Bicentennial Stage)
12:30 Driver Meeting
1:00 Racing
2:00 Band -Galaxie Deluxe
3:00 It’s About the Warrior Foundation Charity Auction
3:30 Band -Cindi Lou & The Red Hot Royals
5:00 Band -Jayson & The Mean Eyed Cats
VARC exhibition Heat race and Feature
Stock Car exhibition
Vintage Modifieds Hot Laps PAVDMA
Vintage Modifieds Heat 1 & 2 “ Vintage Modifieds Main Event”