The time for our banquet is growing short and we need to get a good count of guest for the caterer. We need that before the 15th in order to order the food so if you are planning on coming please get back to us asap. If you have decided to pass on this years banquet let me know that also that way I can have a good idea of the interest in this event and will not be waiting for responses .
This has been an unusual season to say the least and we were hoping to end it on an upbeat positive note,. Gene Steele has been very active in planning this banquet and he would like to see an enthusiastic response. We understand the concerns of some of the members but we will take every precaution in order to comply with the safety of the members. each table will only seat six people. Tables will be spaced the appropriate distance apart, The food will be brought to each table ,No buffett. mask wearing will be encouraged where appropriate.
One of the things that has always impressed me is the friendship among the members of this organization . A social event like this are always well attended and we have always had a great time. We would hope that this is once again a great time for those that attend. Something to put a good feeling about belonging to this organization, in a year where good feelings are hard to come by.
This season turned out ot be much better than was first thought. We did get in several shows that were
well represented and well received by the fans and track promoters. We want to thank the tracks that did have us in their program as they all had to overcome a lot of obstacles to keep their tracks open this year
Well for now the important thing is to let us know about your plans to attend the banquet as we need to know if we have enough people that will come.
thanks Jim