Hi everyone. Christmas is on the way so I would like like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Hope this time of year brings happiness to your family. I still am looking for the one gift that will bring joy to that someone special. Can't tell you her name otherwise it might spoil the surprise. I am sure many of you are like me and wait till the last minute thinking I still have plenty of time to get it done . Speaking of the last minute things to do, it is time to get your membership renewal in the mail for the new year 2019, if you have not already done so.
Our membership dues from October to October next year 2019. The Dues for active members is $55.00 per year with associate membership at $25.00. Remember if paid before January 1st there is a $5.00 discount for early renewal. It is helpful to get the membership list done early. We are expecting a good year for next season and the membership renewals helps us get thing in order to start our scheduling. We have at least one track that has already contacted us for a date next season and several others that that are working on their schedules. After the first of the year we will pick up the pace and contact the promoters. If you have any thoughts on the track that we should contact please get in touch with me or any board member so that can be part of our planning. The membership renewal application is available on our face book page and if you cant find it there, give me a call and I will be sure you get one.
How are your winter projects coming along? Any new cars being prepared for the track? We would like any information, pictures or stories so we can share it with the rest of the members. It is always fun to hear about someone's projects even if they are coming along slowly. Remember we have a vast knowledge on the mechanical problems among our membership. If you are stalled on a mechanical question just put a post on our web site or face book page and I think you might be surprised how much information is available. When I were having trouble sorting out a fuel injection system I was thankful for the help from several members. We are not like the Saturday night racers who try to keep everything a secret.
So far Terry Wells has stripped his sprint car down to the bare frame. It need a little repair work and will then go out to get powder coated. A new engine is in the works. I have parked my Sprinter but I am working on getting enough parts to build a big block engine for our old dirt modified. Its time to get that car back on the track.It has been sitting too long taking up space in my garage. I have also been working on replacing the lights in my shop. It might be nice to be able to see what I am working on with out using a flash light. I heard that Bob Shelhorn has pulled the engine out of his Late Model to freshen it up and check it out. I think secretly he is looking at ways to get more cubic inches and horsepower out of that monster engine. I heard he was also thinking about looking at a sprint car ride for next year! Not sure about that. Gene Steele is also working on several of his cars and making some improvements on his work shop. He says he never has enough room to get his cars in to work on them. How about some of you other vintage car enthusiast what are you up to? Sure would like to hear your plans for spending this winter. Anyone going to Florida with your car? Spending the winter in your easy chair in front of the TV just isn't any good. Get out in the garage, fix up that vintage set of wheels, polish up that chrome put on some fresh paint. It will surprise you how fast spring gets here.
Well once again hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year... thanks for being part of our group.... Jim McDermott