Hello VARC members We have been trying to decide on the annual Pizza Part that we hold each year at Fremont Ohio on the Friday before our Banquet. After discussion with the officers and board members it has been decided to cancel this year’s pizza party. The issues that are behind this decision are, the virus pandemic the motel is requiring us to remain in the conference room ,and a limited number of participants. This is an indoor event that would make social distancing not practicable. Eating pizza with mask is also not feasible. The consensus was that since we could have people attend from across a large geographical area the risk factor would increase. Is the risk worth the reward? We felt it was not in the best interest of the membership to proceed under these circumstances. We are hoping that next year we can continue with our normal schedule.
The fall board meeting is also cancelled as it was felt that our spring meeting ,in April, would be a better time to look to the 2021 season. We are praying that things improve and that we can find dates at the tracks.
Currently the banquet is still on. We need a count of people that are planning on attending. You should have received an invitation form so please send it in with the information on it so we can give that count to the cater. The hall will provide adequate room and the meal will be served to each table . No buffet style this year. Let us know if you plan on attending. As the time is growing short, we need to have the head count soon. Thanks Jim McDermott