Well I think I have made the adjustments to correct the technical issues on our web site . I hope you can open the messages and post a comment . Let me know if its working for you and send me a note . We are working on the schedule so if you have any ideas on tracks you would like to see us run at this season give me that information and we can try to work something out at these suggested tracks. We are in the early stages of scheduling so there are a lot of open dates at this time but they fill in pretty quickly.
How are you coming along with your winter projects? I am sure all the members are interested in hearing about the cars that people are working on so don't be shy tell us your story..
I have been scrounging parts to put a big block engine together for our dirt modified. Would like to get it back into running form and out of my storage container. Its been about two years since we blew the engine at Expo speedway. Big block circle track oil pans are had to find so I had to resort to building my own. I seems like an easy job until you get started. Just remembering to cut in enough clearance for the oil filter, starter bolt, starer motor , oil pick up has caused a couple revisions. Oh well that's what they make welding wire for. Speaking of which I am out of wire so it will be off to the welding supply store for more wire and gas. I don't know what it is but I always have a devil of a time when I try to run .023 wire in my mig machine. I never seem to be able to get a good weld bead with that wire. Any Suggestions? Yea I know take it to a professional welder but I just cant bring my self to admit that I can't weld. I will weld that darn thing up if it kills me. It Seems that every weld has pin holes in it and leaks when I test it to see if it will hold oil. Then I stop clean it out, grind out the bad spot and weld it up again. There has to be something that I am doing wrong. Not sure if I should increase the voltage or reduce the wire speed. I keep trying different setting but seem to get the same results. Oh well hope your projects are going better than this one. Let me hear from you Thanks JIm